Where can you buy Coolfiture ?
You canfound Coolfiture :
- In the market of Bruz (35) friday morning
- In the market of Cesson Sévigné (35) saturday morning
- Boulangerie Chicherie, 6 rue du Parc in Chantepie (35)
- Beucher traiteur in Chateaugiron (35) and Vern-sur-Seiche (35)
- Terroir de chanvre shop, 57 rue de St Hélier in Rennes (35)
- with the website www.osealentours.fr
New :
- in the farmer shop Mon cochon SARL Plessipor, 6 lieu-dit le Haut Plessix , Le Plessis 35520 La Chapelle des Fougeretz (35)
- In the market of Combourg (35) monday morning
- In the market of Cesson Sévigné (35) saturday morning
- In the market of St Grégoire (35) wednesday morning
- Epicerie gourmande de Marina, In the market of Betton (sunday), Pacé (wednesday), Dinan (thursday), Gevezé (friday)
- Super U Grand Quartier, corner local in St Grégoire (35)
Be careful new markets for summer (july and august) :
- In the market of St Martin de Bréhal (50) sunday morning
- In the market of Combourg (35) monday morning
- In the market of St Enogat - Dinard (35) wednesday morning
- Marché gourmand in St Lunaire (35) wednesday between 16h and 21h
- In the market of (35) friday morning
- In the market of Cesson Sévigné (35) saturday morning
They trust us :
- Thalasso center/hotel/restaurant 4 stars Emeria in Dinard (35) propose Coolfiture for breakfast and brunch
- le Bathazar the only one hotel/restaurant 5 stars in Rennes propose Coolfiture for breakfast