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» FAQs


Thursday 29 December 2022

Nom de la galerie

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet chocolate cake sesame snaps icing. Icing powder bonbon muffin dessert. Ice cream jelly biscuit jelly beans carrot cake lollipop tart.
Tiramisu apple pie ice cream dragée jujubes. Ab Topping apple pie sou cing. Icing powder bonbon
muffin desse le pie ice crea.



Frequently asked questions
what are recipe numbers ?

Coolfiture is a family adventure. When all recipes was ready,every member of family choose his favourite and the recipe number is his birthday date, from grand father to grandchildren (3 generations).

How conserve Coolfiture ?

2 weeks in a fridge after open

What is Coolfiture ?

They are fruits preparation with less sugar than jam and more fruits, prepare traditionaly wih french fruits

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