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What is coolfiture?


They are not jams, because they contain more fruit and less sugar, so they are fruit preparations.

Our fruits are local as much as possible and picked by hand. Our products are made in Vern-sur Seiche (35) using traditional methods.


There are 3 Coolfiture ranges:

- the Well-being range with Coolfiture Energy, Immunity and Antiox to maximize the power of fruits

- the Hemp range with natural CBD extract from hemp

- the Gourmet range with original recipes


Coolfiture is quality above all, the pleasure of the fruit while keeping its benefits.

To taste Coolfiture is to adopt it!


Local fruits

Coolfiture uses local fruits:


Strawberries and blackcurrants come from La Bouëxière (Ille-et-Vilaine, France).

The kiwis come from Bruz and Chateaugiron (Ille-et-Vilaine, France).

The apples and pears come from different orchards in Ille et Vilaine, France.

Apricots come from La Baussaine (Ille-et-Vilaine, France).


The fruits are picked very ripe and by hand in order to preserve them as much as possible

Gourmet range



Coolfiture offers a gourmet range of original recipes with more fruit and less sugar:


N°018 Strawberry kiwi

N141 Plum

N°163 Pear Vanilla

N°212 Pear apple vanilla

N239 blackcurrant

N°286 Fiesta red - red wine spices

N°227 Fiesta white - white wine with spices

N°301 Apricot rhubarb

N°512 Rosemary apricot


Well-being range


Coolfiture is also a well-being range with:


N°022 Strawberry Kiwi Hemp

N°079 Pear Vanilla Hemp

N°131 Immunity - Apple, Turmeric and zinc

N°275 AntiOx - Blackcurrant, Cranberry and Blueberry

N°410 Energy - Apple, Green tea and Ginger